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Stories from You

Every month, two pieces from the monthly forum are featured in this section. To participate in this month's forum, please visit the forum page.

December 2023

In a magnificent way, the year of 2023 is quickly coming to a close. While there is a natural excitement that awaits as we approach the new year of 2024, there is also an increased amount of anxiety as we reach the end of the year. From exams in schools to holiday stress, there are many things that heighten anxiety amongst many people. Do you find that you're struggling to contain your excitement or stress? Or is it a combination of both? Are there some ways that you are working on relieving that anxiety?


I am definitely more on the "cannot control my excitement" side of this spectrum. The holidays are just the most exciting time of the year, and I always have so much family around and so much to look forward too. I would say that this time of year is the best time of year for my mental health. Being around so many people is energizing to me, so I enjoy it!


The New Year and Christmas tend to be harder months for me. I find myself a lot more overwhelmed with present buying and making resolutions (i.e. reflecting on my failures). It can just be difficult to be around so many people, and the constant hustle right as school is ending for the semester just makes it so much more stressful.

October 2023

October is usually a very festive month as the seasons are usually changing across the globe. Whether October is a warm or cool month where you live, share some of your favorite things to do with friends doing this "spooky" month!


I love to go out and carve pumpkins with my friends! We always have a great time, and it's so much fun being able to see all of my friends, especially those who live farther away. We also have a tradition of getting coffee together afterwards, and since it's right by the library, we usually make a pitstop there too. Overall, a 10/10 day that I look forward to every fall!


I love to go to our local carnival that comes around every November. It's not open yet, but I simply can't WAIT to go! The rides, the (very nauseating) food, and many stuffed animals make it just a perfect time. I love going with my friends and family, making 2 trips every year. I hope it's as amazing every year.

September 2023

September is National Self-Care Awareness Month. Share some of the ways that you choose to engage in self-care and/or why you choose these acts of self-care.


I like to go out on long drives at least once a week. I don't know why, but something is so peaceful about just going on a long drive alone and maybe picking up ice cream or just listening to music. As much as I love all of my friends and family, sometimes a break is really needed.


I love to just bake cookies and watch a movie without a phone in sight! Usually, even though I hate to admit it, my phone is the thing that drains me, and I need to take a step back sometimes to just enjoy things going on right in front of me. I know a movie isn't reality, but it's closer to reality than a random Bitmoji on Snapchat.

August 2023

Back-to-School Season has started for some, and while it can be difficult get back into the routines of school, there is something very fun about the very first few weeks. However, it can also be nerve-wracking. Share your thoughts on some exciting and nerve-wracking parts of the beginning of the school year.


"I think the most exciting part of this new year is that I'll be able to start the school year fresh. Last year, during my freshman year, it was hard to get through the year with super great grades, and so I started to slack off a little and fell into a bit of a bad place. My emotions and mental health were always very scattered. But I think this year, I'll be able to do much better because I've grown a lot throughout this summer--mentally and emotionally. It's also a little nerve-wracking sometimes though, because I worry about falling to a bad headspace again. I think that things will be okay though, because life always gets better, and with perseverance, things will be okay! (Side note: your blogs have helped a lot with this increased self-confidence...the advice on your blogs is always very helpful!)"


"It's really exciting to be going back to school this year since I'm now a senior in high school. There are so many fun events that are planned out, which has gotten me really hyped for the new year. Then again, it IS senior year, and it's really nerve-wracking thinking about college, financial aid, work, school, exams, etc. Thankfully though, these small, school events coupled with the ability to drive now, I've had so much fun leading up to the start of school.


I'm hoping I can keep up the positive energy and make this school year as amazing as I can!"

July 2023

Summer is in full swing for most and we could not be more excited! Share some of your summer break adventures with us! (This includes all the ice cream runs, beach days, 'hot girl walks', you name it!) :)


"One of the things I've been doing recently is reading books a lot more often. During the school year I never seem to find time, but I've found that reading has been very de-stressing and fun! Finding the right books is probably what helped. I'm glad that I found out I enjoy reading and it's not just a chore. It feels so weird to say that. But I truly mean it. I think this will also help once the school year starts to be able to have something that is relaxing outside of being on my phone all the time, y'know?"


"The hot girl walks are so relaxing, and I'm so glad you brought them. I love being able to just walk around and feel like I'm the only person in the world. Especially with loud music and a cute little outfit. I feel powerful and I'm also getting in my steps. It's a win-win scenario every time, and I find comfort in walking around all the time. Also helped with my reliance on cars to get places, and I might use public transportation and just walking as modes of transport more often."

June 2023

With school wrapping up for some students and summer finally arriving, many fun adventures await during vacation. However, after this school year, we're sure we need plenty of time just to relax and de-stress. What about you all? What is something that you would like to do to relax after this hectic school year? Or are you ready to jump into the fun?


"I am beyond excited to just relax at the pool day and night. Sounds weird, considering sun burns and the like, BUT, I just really need to sit outside, in water, with a popsicle, and a floaty. I think I've been in physical and mental isolation since April because of exams and school...I am really excited to get that vitamin D in now. And as much as I would love to see all of my friends, I think I might start with just the family for now...I miss being able to relax with them. I can't wait!"


"Honestly, I am just excited to be out of school. It's been draining. So draining. But it's been a good time! My summer is still busy--internships, summer classes, test prep, you get the gist. But, it is so much better to be doing all of that at HOME! With my family and friends."

May 2023

Summer is just around the corner for most people, and that can be a different feeling for everyone. For some, we are elated to be "freed" from the stress of school, but for others, the circumstances may be different. Share what you are most excited about (or not excited about) for summer!!


"I am so excited to literally just sleep. All day. Everyday. I am so exhausted from all the exams and school work that I really just want to take a break--no beaches, theme parks, or ice cream can cure what junior year has done to me (lol).


To be able to get some rest would be reallyyyyyyy nice!"


"I am so excited to finally get to spend some time with friends and family. Senior year was literally the most hectic thing I have ever experienced, but now that it's over, there's so much free time to just...relax! And see friends and family all the time! And dorm shopping! It's super fun to be able to sit back and just spend time with everyone before college, and I am soooo looking forward to this break!"

April 2023

Final exams are catching up to us, whether they are class finals, AP/IB Exams, GCSEs, and more, we're all just reaching for the end of the year. With that in mind, there will likely be a lottttt of studying, and that can cause stress...what is something that you think you can do/a place you can go to whenever you need to take a break during this final stretch of the school year?


"The most basic, but truthful answer: my bedroom. My desk is in a separate room from my bedroom, and I've found that during exam season, I tend to be at my desk more than in my actual room (unless I'm sleeping or changing clothes or something like that). I used to journal, read, meditate, and dance around in my room, and I forgot how necessary it is for me to just stay in my room for an hour or two each day, reminiscing on life instead of constantly feeling dragged down by exams and class stress. And to all my friends out there who are going crazy because of exams too...we GOT THIS!! Good luck everyone, and stay health[y]!! :)"


"I like going to the library. Boring...but I just really like the library. It's so nice to go in a little corner and study. And I feel like once you're at the library you HAVE to study, or else people will think you are a loser. I'm sure most people don't care. But if you pretend like they do, it makes you a whole lot more motivated to actually work. I also like people watching as a study break. I could spend hours at the library just drinking coffee and "studying."

March 2023

As the school year is reaching its end, students have been scrambling to complete homework, prepare for exams, and finish off the year. This can get incredibly stressful over time, and causes us to be overwhelmed, burnt out, and stressed beyond end. However, when vacations come around, life can get so much better in just 24 hours. Describe a place or activity during vacations that helps you destress and rewind. You may answer as a poem song, drawing, narrative, or any other art form!


"The place that I think helps me destress the most, as simple as it is, is my bed. I just don't know where else I can go besides my bedroom and feel most comfortable. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love going out with friends and stuff. But something about coming home after a long day of friends and the beach is just so refreshing, and I really need that time to just lay in bed, catch-up on sleep, and enjoy just being by myself."


"The most cliche place ever--the beach! I can't tell you how much I loveeeee the beach. It's just so warm and cozy, but so excitable and fun. And I definitely understand why people go the beach during spring break, it's PERFECT! And with all the exams coming up (AP, IB, SAT, etc), the beach is just a nice get away, and I'm thankful I live just 30 minutes away from a beach. I go so often it's actual a problem. But it's my place it just rewind and calm down after stressing out all the time HAHA."

Feburary 2023

Anxiety is something rather common among many teenagers. Even if you do not have a diagnosed anxiety disorder, it is likely you’ve experienced bouts of anxiety at least once, if not more. However, there is usually something or someone that can help lessen our anxiety. Describe this person or thing.


"I was diagnosed with anxiety a while ago, and I've been struggling with the disorder ever since. It can get really hard sometimes to ignore the overwhelming worry that constantly looms over me, but my mother has been a great part in helping me get through this. I know many people are not blessed to have supportive parents, but my mom is really amazing. She just listens to me, and doesn't try to "fix" the problem immediately. Instead, she just listens and holds me. And for me, that's usually enough to calm down."


"I'm not diagnosed or anything, but I do get anxious really easily and my best friend has really helped me get over these worries. He gives me solutions that are reasonable and helpful instead of pinning the blame on me. He's kind but also realistic, and helps me settle my worries. I'm really glad that he's always there to listen, because not many people give me that time when I really need it. IB gets ROUGH, and you really need someone to be there for you!"

January 2023

Do you have a person who, perhaps doesn't understand your circumstances, but will always be present with you? Describe this person.



"There is something so beautiful about people who don't quite understand but are simply there to help; they have no intention to "fix" you or offer solutions that aren't asked for and are only willing to listen and provide emotional support. Perhaps this is just having emotional intelligence, however, it is necessary for more people to have such compassion in their presence rather than trying to solve my problems. I know that I can be "a lot" sometimes, or that my problems may be overwhelming, but it will do nothing just to try to solve all my problems at once. I'm trying to be better everyday. It's getting a little better, all with the help of my mom. She's the sweetest thing that's ever set foot on this planet. She's nothing but supportive of my mental health, and offers just the right amount of criticism for me to see where my life is going. Mothers do a lot for us that we never realize, and I'm thankful to have this beautiful woman for a mother. The world would never be the same without her. I love her. I love her so much."

"When I read the prompt, the first person that came to mind was my younger brother. A strong, independent, expressive, young guy, and more importantly, he has learned to listen. Sometimes, as an older sister, I get the feeling I'm not doing enough for him. I have a bad temper when I'm anxious, hungry, and tired, and I tend to get upset very easily after long days of school. I'm also an IB & AP student, so the work load of school, extracurriculars, etc gets a lot sometimes. It can be very frustrating, and I sometimes get easily annoyed by his childish ways. Then again, he is a kid! He's so patient, kind, and caring. No matter how upset I get, he will always ask what's wrong and try his best to listen. And he gives me the most understanding look I have ever seen when I tell him I'm fine, but it's clear I'm not. I hope everyone in the world can find someone like my younger brother; everyone deserves someone with the patience he has."

December 2022

How would you describe your feelings on the school system in your district and its efforts to spread awareness on mental health? Do you think there is room for improvement? What would you suggest be done?



"I study at the best Public School [i]n Chile and I feel very disappointed [at] the effort that's put on spreading awareness of mental health, because the school doesn't have a lot of money. I understand that putting money on certain things isn't very practical, but, here they don't try at any point to educate the teachers on students' mental health; sometimes we get 30 pages total of homework and the deadline is the exact week that the homework is given. The fact that Chile is not a rich country, nor a cheap one, doesn't help a lot, and almost every student has economic and familia[l] problems. There's kids [i]n 7th grade with depression and anxiety, and with the school always pressuring the students, the students get extremely worse mentally when every day of school goes by. The academic results of the school are amazing, but that does not compensate the lack of mental health awareness."

 "I go to a public school in a small, suburban town; as you can guess, the concept of mental health awareness is not the most well accepted. However, my school district has been introducing a system of videos that we watch that are all about mental health and different topics such as substance abuse to therapy. I think this could have been a great idea but they forgot who their audience is: high school students. Overall, it never helps because no one is paying attention or cares about the videos; we just want to get our work done and talk to our friends. Of course the school system is inherently flawed to not account for mental health, however, if more funding was given to the counseling departments of schools it would be much more beneficial than simply forcing students to watch videos they do not care about."

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