Volume 5: January 8, 2023
Written/Edited by: Fidha
What is stigma (in general)?
Stigma, specifically social stigma, is the discrimination against an individual or group based on preconceived biases towards the entity. Examples of topics that have been subjected to stigma include mental health, critical race theory, gender as a social construct, among others.
Stigma can be caused by a variety of things, but typically is especially reinforced by misinformation and lack of understanding of a certain topic. As such, people are more likely to quickly denounce a specific topic rather than attempt to understand.
Stigma may also be a result of conservatism when it comes to our belief systems and morals as a society; when something has become generally accepted by the public, it can be difficult to change these opinions.
Nevertheless, it is unacceptable to create such a toxic environment by normalizing stigma, which drives people to suppression of expression.
Stigma is often a leading issue in the discussion of mental health because many older generations struggle with understanding that expression of emotion is healthy, and necessary in life.
How does stigma effect talking about mental health?
There are a variety of reasons why there is stigma surrounding mental health issues, and why this stigma effects the progression of the discussion. Some include:
A general lack of understanding of mental illness because of ignorance and misinformation, which leads to non-factual arguments and opinions about mental health.
Some people have negative attitudes towards mental health awareness, or prejudice, which can lead to bias against the subject as a whole.
Mainstream media may sometimes reinforce stigma by
portraying mental health inaccurately through stereotypes
"sensationalizing" situations with unwarranted references to mental illness or health
or using demeaning language in reference with mental health and illness
A person who is subject to stigma is typically treated differently or excluded from many things, leaving them marginalized. Additionally, for someone with mental illness, they may become labelled, or solely associated, by their illness, which leads to vulnerability to prejudice and discrimination.
Source: Mental illness stigma. (n.d.). Dealing With Stigma and How to Reduce It | Healthdirect. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/mental-illness-stigma